First, I had my class write down what they are thankful for. Here are some things that were written, misspellings and all:
Being a good student because I am being in learning posion all the time almos all the time
- Jorge
Friends because they cep my spirit up. I am thankful for parins because if it wasint them I wouldn’t be born
- Clara
everyone treating me specal because I like to be treated specal. I am thank ful for food because my grandma makes good food.
- Michelle
I am thankful for all the people except some people in the world because…I have mad lots of friend and family people that care for me.
- Tyler
I am thankfull for my family because they love me. I am thankful for my teacher because I learn a lot from her.
- Mark
I am thamkful fon my family because thay treat me good.
- Caden
Here are their turkey stories. SO FUNNY!
“The Almost funny story” by Jorge
My turkey’s name is CaB. It was thanksgiving day. At the school. Miss. Shumway was after my turkey and other people. They want to eat my turkey. I hide my turkey in a spesial place. In my backpack I put a paper in his nose or in his mouth. I sill hide it on my seacret place for another thanksgiving day. Miss. Shumway never ever got it. I livid happy ever after. Wait. Wait I have something else to say. Miss. Shumway forgoret. Okay fogeret!
“The Turkey Chase” – with the longest run-on sentence ever. By Tyler
This is a story about my pet turkey. His name is po. But! Deep inside the jungle there lived Coco the cheetah. She is as fast as light. But the bad thing is we live in the jungle in China! She only eats turkeys witch was bad for Bo because he went into were Coco lived and saw Coco then he woke her up and she started to chase him then I heard Po yell for help then I got there and said Coco stop and she stopped chasing him and I said can you be my pet and she said sure and can you chase my neighbor’s dog and she said yes. And we lived happily ever after.
“My Turkey is Famas” by Carl
My turkeys name is Chris Cole Charlie and Edward are after my turkey he’s in San Degio he get’s in a taxi to go to Las vegs get s a lemo go’s to a hotel and he hide’s in a closet and Charlie and Edward found my turkey and cooked him and my turkey tasted bad. The End.
“The Turkey Thugs” by Trent
One day I lost my turkey But I found him in the bank but Johan and some thugs were mad cause stewey ate there mony so they chase us to the farm and the farmer has a plan so we drov all the way to New York City and we went all the way to a tunnel then we crash then we got in to a subway and cops saw us and they knew we crash the plan so we went to the police stashun and then we went to cort and went I was not looking the juge ate my turkey at lest I keep the money
KIDS ARE SO DANG FUNNY SOMETIMES. Their imagination is classic. Sometimes I wonder where in the heck they get their ideas.
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Love the stories Gina! Those kids are funny. My favorite is "The Turkey Thugs" and Johan, nice name.
they get their imagination from their crazy teacher! jk. I read these during math. And I kept laughing.
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