Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Week 1 of the next 9 months of my life.

Haha. I just realized as I was writing my title that it's slightly misleading. Well, 9 months could mean two things...I'm pregnant...or I'm a school teacher. Well, I'm not pregnant. But, the lovely title I gave this post is quite wonderful.

So, the first week of school was, um, stressful. I told my mom today that they're not all bad, but they're not all good. They are just kind of "mediocre" kids (when it comes to behavior). On the first day, I decided I wanted my old class back and that I didn't really like my new bunch. But, I decided that the love would come if I would just keep getting to know them and all that junk. Already, I'm starting to have "feelings" for them. Haha. Also, it's just a real pain in the rear to have to explain the littlest things. Like, lining up and walking down the hall. Oh, bless those kids' hearts (and mine, too). We practiced today a few times since some kid decided to whack the girl behind him with his lunch box. Pretty funny, now that I think about it.

Then, there's those funny moments when I just can't contain my laughter. I have a girl in my class who has quite the hair style. It's all spiky and short and then she has these amazing two long chunky strands of hair on either side of her part that go down to her shoulders. Well, this lovely little girl opened her mouth real wide while I was giving instructions and gave out a nice long burp. Lost it.

Then, my other student raised his hand and said "Teacher? I got to go. I'm about to wet my pants." In a very serious voice. Classic.

Well, those are my two funny stories so far. I'm sure I'll have plenty more. I always wish that I have kids in my class who do weird things because it just makes my job so much more enjoyable!


Elissa Stewart said...

I'm glad you're not pregnant. Then again, what if I ate a horse?

Sammy said...

See you totally need to keep blogging so we can hear those stories! LOVE it.
I miss you!

Krystal said...

That was a funny title, and those kids are really funny. I can't wait to hear more of what those crazy people do.