Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm related to a black sheep...who woulda thought?

Yesterday my dad sent out this email with the subject line "a black sheep in the family"...I immediately thought, "Wow, dad, you're really insensitive," but soon realized that the black sheep really is a black sheep and deserves to be called a black sheep for tainting the beloved Shumway line of truth and righteousness...hmmmmmmm.

Well, folks, it's Paris Hilton. Yep, I'm related to her....distantly. She and I share the same great great great grandpa & grandma. I just wanted to say that I feel so honored to be related to her and I think I'm going to send her a message and see if she'll give me some money....I mean that's what family members are for, right?


Hallie said...

or atleast allow us to star in an episode of the simple life

Alyson Samantha said...

I'm assuming this relation is on the shumway side, right?

The Shumways said...

Hey Gigi! I am really not surprised about the whole Paris thing. I mean, you for instance, are one of the most rebellious people I know. jk, but I like your blog. Keep it real.

Hallie said...

When are you going to write a new post? maybe put your nacho pictures up. or do a tribute to rita. SOMETHING

The Shumway Family said...

add a freaking post, girly

Hallie said...

from Gina: "I don't want to waste time writing a blog because I keep a journal. Have you heard of the site that you write journal entries and upload pictures then they bind it for you?"

You should just delete this blog because I still visit it, hoping that you will post.